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Categories: Arts, Business, Family, Politics UK, Politics USA, Politics World, Science, War, Writers.
Ordered by date of publication, latest first. Click on any biographee for an author video and to buy the book.
Churchill, Winston. Prime Minister. By Peter Caddick-Adams. 2024.
Elizabeth II, Queen. Enduring monarch. by Craig Brown 2024.
Cecil, Robert. Spymaster of Elizabeth I. By Stephen Alford. 2024.
Starmer, Keir. Labour Prime Minister. By Tom Baldwin. 2024.
Lloyd George, David. Liberal Prime Minister. By Damian Collins. 2024.
Charles III. 21st century monarch. By Robert Hardman. 2024.
Buckingham, Duke of. Flamboyant courtier. By Lucy Hughes-Hallett. 2024.
George III. Misunderstood monarch. By Andrew Roberts. 2023.
Churchill, Winston. Mirrors of greatness. By David Reynolds. 2023.
Farage, Nigel. Eurosceptic disruptor. By Michael Crick. 2022.
Wilson, Harold. Labour Prime Minister. By Nick Thomas-Symonds. 2022.
Oxford Chums. A Tory elite. By Simon Kuper. 2022.
Prime Ministers. Wilson to Johnson. By Steve Richards. 2020.
Churchill, Winston. Walking with Destiny. By Andrew Roberts. 2018.
Churchill, Winston. His favourite animals. By Piers Brendon. 2018.
Margaret, Princess. Grand and louche. By Craig Brown. 2017.
Attlee, Clement. Labour Prime Minister. By John Bew. 2016.
Thatcher, Margaret. Vol.2: Everything She Wants. By Charles Moore. 2015.
Churchill, Winston. His financial difficulties. By David Lough. 2015.
Salter, Ada. Heroic London councillor. By Graham Taylor. 2015.
Jenkins, Roy. Reforming Home Secretary. By John Campbell. 2014.
Thatcher, Margaret. Vol.1: Not for Turning. By Charles Moore. 2013.
Edward VII. Playboy then monarch. By Jane Ridley. 2012.
Henry VII. First Tudor King. By Thomas Penn. 2012.
Thatcher, Margaret. Tory Prime Minister. By John Campbell. 2012.
Churchill, Winston. War leader. By Roy Jenkins. 2001.
Gladstone, William. Liberal Prime Minister. By Roy Jenkins. 1997.